Your iPhone is watching / OC Transpo doesn't listen

US economist advises liberals to be uncivil. CP Rail hiring 1,500. Air Canada turbulence. Option consommateurs.

Le « plan d'optimisation » d'OC Transpo va de l'avant
Le Droit, François Pierre Dufault, Publié le 20 avril 2011
 « On a décidé d'entériner des changements sans avoir la possibilité d'y réfléchir », a déploré David Jeanes, le président de Transport Action » Le Droit a rapporté.

Transport 2000 préconise un péage sur un nouveau pont Champlain
Y aura-t-il un système de péage sur le nouveau pont Champlain? Certains intervenants le souhaitent.
Rive-Sud Express, Gabrielle Lachance,  Publié le 20 Avril 2011

La majorité des Québécois peinent à épargner
La Presse, Martin Vallières, Publié le 20 avril 2011
« Mais, selon Lisanne Blanchette, conseillère budgétaire et avocate chez Option consommateurs, organisme-conseil en économie familiale à Montréal, les résultats du sondage sur l'épargne de la TD s'avèrent plutôt mitigés » La Presse a rapporté

CNW Group, Canadian Urban Transit Association, Apr. 21
"Only 29% believe the federal government is doing enough to support public transit infrastructure across the country," says Michael Roschlau, CUTA President and CEO. "Canadians understand that the federal government must strengthen its role in ensuring public transit is adequately funded and supported."

Law firm advises Ontario hospitals to 'cleanse' files    
Jonathan Sher, London Free Press, April 20,

Let’s Not Be Civil
New York Times, Op-ed, Paul Krugman, April 17, 2011
“Last week, President Obama offered a spirited defense of his party’s values — in effect, of the legacy of the New Deal and the Great Society. Immediately thereafter, as always happens when Democrats take a stand, the civility police came out in force. The president, we were told, was being too partisan; he needs to treat his opponents with respect; he should have lunch with them, and work out a consensus. That’s a bad idea. Equally important, it’s an undemocratic idea,” Paul Krugman wrote in New York Times.

CPR seeks 1,500 hires as shipping 'ramps up'
Edmonton Journal, Dave Cooper, April 20

Air Canada: Bumping process will take months
Montreal Gazette, François Shalom, Apr. 20

Privacy fears raised as researchers reveal file on iPhone that stores location coordinates and timestamps of owner's movements
The Guardian, Linda Nylind, April 20

iPhone tracker