An appeal to friends of Canada's Via Rail

Service on two of  Canada's legendary transcontinental
passenger railway trains, The Canadian and The
Ocean, may be cut on June 27. Photo courtesy of
Steve Boyko at
Google ad running in the U.S.
Passenger rail supporters
Canada's VIA Rail needs help
Historic trains hit by service cuts

American (and Canadian) friends are urged to oppose cuts to Canada's national passenger rail service. Please let our Prime Minister know you think he should be improving passenger rail transportation not cutting it.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper MP
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6

June 27, Via Rail cuts historic world-class trains? 

You can also help by donating to J. Goss + Associates' friend Transport Action Canada.
Transport Action Canada is a national group for better transportation choices.

Transport Action Canada has a PayPal link for donations on its website.

Or mail a cheque to:
Transport Action Canada
Box 858, Station B
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 5P9

You can email your ideas to the transportation watchdog at or phone Transport Action Canada at (613) 594-3290.

Via Rail business plan, Cut service to the rest of Canada? 

Rumoured cuts include reduction of service in the off-season on the Toronto-Vancouver transcontinental, the Canadian, and on routes through Kitchener and to Niagara Falls in southwestern Ontario. But the biggest cut of all will be a 50% reduction in service on our Maritimes only remaining train, the “Ocean” from 6 to 3 days per week.

There is more information the Via Rail cuts in this blog in posts labelled Via Rail.

American friends should also know the Northlander passenger train from Toronto to James Bay (the Polar Bear Express) may soon be cut by the Ontario government. The campaign to save the Ontario Northland Railway is supported by the Coalition for Algoma Passenger Trains.

Steve Boyko donated the photographs.
J. Goss + Associates donated the Google ads.

The Canadian on the outskirts of Winnipeg heading west.
(Photo by Steve Boyko)

Canadian google ad.

March 29, 2012, Federal Budgetd budget ordered Via Rail to cut

$6,5 million this year
$15,1 million next year
$19,6 annually after
To achieve a 6,4% reduction of Via Rail's subsidy over the life of the budget plan.
"Last year" Via Rail Canada received $306.5 million from the Government of Canada.
 (Based on Marie Tison's report for La Presse cited below)

VIA Rail devra se serrer la ceinture

« D'un côté, VIA Rail devra se serrer la ceinture. D'un autre, elle recevra 105 millions cette année pour divers projets d'investissements visant à accroître la sûreté et l'efficacité de ses activités. VIA Rail verra son budget diminuer de 6,5 millions cette année, de 15,1 millions l'année prochaine et de 19,6 millions annuellement par la suite. Le budget de VIA Rail a atteint 306,5 millions l'année dernière: on parle donc d'une compression à terme de 6,4%. » Marie Tison a écrit pour la Presse le 30 Mars.

Via Rail new business plan, cut service to the rest of Canada

It's not official but it's implied in Via Rail CEO Marc Laliberté speech as reported by Sylvain Larocque's for La Presse Canadienne.

Kitchener and Niagara Falls get cut. Via Rail can say Metrolinx is serving those communities. Reduce frequency on the all non-corridor services, in stages, until ...

«Via Rail annoncera d'ici un mois les réductions de service qui découleront des compressions budgétaires récemment décrétées par le gouvernement conservateur. … Sans trop vouloir s'avancer sur les services qui écoperont, le dirigeant a indiqué que ceux pour lesquels la demande est plus faible étaient plus vulnérables. Des employés pourraient aussi perdre leurs postes» Sylvain Larocque a rapporté pour La Presse Canadienne le 2 mai.