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Peak car? (New Statesman photo) |
« Face à une hausse de l’achalandage, l’offre en transport en commun ne suffit plus pour répondre à la demande actuelle et potentielle dans la région de Montréal. Transit et Transport 2000 réclament donc un investissement de la part du gouvernement du Québec afin de la bonifier » Sarah Bélisle a écrit pour l'Agence QMI le 27 octobre 2011.
« Les besoins en transports collectifs viennent justifier des investissements accrus », croit aussi Normand Parisien, directeur général de Transport 2000 Québec. « Les hausses de tarifs successives ont l’effet pervers d’étouffer la demande en transport en commun et de retarder l’expansion du réseau, a-t-il fait valoir. Ça justifie d’autant plus un investissement public » l'Agence QMI a rapporté.
Transport Canada suspends Manitoba airline again
"Transport Canada has once again suspended the air operator certificate for a Manitoba airline in the interest of public safety. The agency says it took action against Missinippi Airways after an inspection found deficiencies with the company's Operational Control System. The inspection was carried out earlier this week to see if "corrective actions" put in place after an earlier suspension were working effectively," The Canadian Press reported on Oct. 22, 2011.
Transport Action's Air Passenger Safety Group continues to raise concerns about Transport Canada's new aviation safety regime which transfers responsibility for safety to airlines.
Harry Gow reports, Opposition mounts to Ottawa valley rail line abandonment
Ninety-five kilometre of rail that connect Northern Ontario to Ottawa, Montreal and the East Coast are slated to be torn up. This rail is critical to Northern Ontario's economic opportunities that depend on rail transportation. Also, opportunity to develop passenger train service from Northern Ontario to Ottawa and Eastern Canada would be lost.
Serpent River First Nation hosted a meeting Saturday of EACMR (East Algoma Chiefs, Mayors and Reeves) CAPT (Coalition for Algoma Passenger Trains), TPR (Transport Pontiac Renfrew), Transport Action Canada and regional provincial and federal politicians. Rick Hamilton, Mayor of Elliot Lake chaired the meeting. A ribbon of rail consisting of the Ontario Northland Railway along with underused and orphaned rail belonging to CN and CP has been identified as infrastructure that interconnects the Communities, First Nations, People and Businesses of North-Eastern Ontario to Ottawa and Toronto as a foundation of socio-economic opportunity. CP's Mattawa to Pembroke rail that links to Ottawa is in abandonment procedures and scheduled to be torn up.
TPR described the process for saving the CN rail link and illustrated the impact of the Mattawa to Pembroke Rail link to the rail connectivity of Northern Ontario. This is the last direct rail link from Northern Ontario to Eastern Canada. If lost rail freight from Northern Ontario would have to be hauled 18 additional hours through Toronto to reach Eastern Canada resulting in higher costs. For passenger trains there would be no possibility of taking trains from Northern Ontario to Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City and Halifax without first routing through Toronto. Harry Gow, co-chair of TPR stated, "Canadian Pacific has started lifting the tracks between Pembroke and Smiths Falls, but there is still hope to save the line from Pembroke west, thus preserving Northeastern Ontario's link for freight and passengers to Ottawa, Montréal and the eastern seaboard."
La Commission de Transport de Glengarry-Nord Prescott-Russell
La Commission de Transport de Glengarry-Nord Prescott-Russell (TEO) vient de distribuer dans ses autobus des informations sur les résultats de son enquête auprès d'eux et auprès des résidents de la région tenue au printemps 2011 par la firme RailFuture Group.
Selon Mme Mary McCuaig, secrétaire de La Commission "Les répondants, bien que globalement assez satisfaits de la plupart des aspects des services de TEO, ont informé TEO de certains éléments qu'ils souhaitent voir améliorés. La Commission a décidé de distribuer des feuillets d'information sur ces résultats dans tous les autobus de son réseau, opéré sous contrat par Leduc Bus Line".
Langley getting more from TransLink than paying in
"If you think that $15 million is leaving Langley for Vancouver transportation, think again. In 2010, TransLink spent $2,295,098 on the major road network in Langley and cut a cheque for $90 million for the Golden Ears Bridge. Even when you factor in the $29 million in toll revenue from the Golden Ears Bridge, it turns out that TransLink subsidized the bridge by $61 million. So in 2010, TransLink actually contributed more to Langley in transportation (about $45 million more) than it took in. Let’s not forget that Langley citizen also use SkyTrain, the West Coast Express, and other regional transportation infrastructure," South Fraser blog reported on Oct. 26.
Toronto In Question, Moving People, Responses to Congestion
On Oct. 25, Steve Munro (ace Toronto public transit blogger) presented to the U of T's Cities Centre series “Toronto In Question”. Munro's summary includes:
• Mobility throughout the region is needed, but this means different things in different places
• Transit measures must be widespread to benefit a large proportion of potential travellers
• Transit improvements may add capacity for mobility without reducing congestion
• Continuous improvement must be visible in the short term to convince politicians and voters than transit investment is worthwhile
• Sustained advocacy for transit is essential
A pdf outline of the presentation.
Peak car, An opportunity to rethink how we build cities
"Anyone who has been stuck in big-city gridlock lately may find this hard to believe, but millions of Westerners are giving up their cars. Experts say our love affair with the automobile is ending, and that could change much more than how we get around – it presents both an opportunity and an imperative to rethink how we build cities, how governments budget and even the contours of the political landscape," Anita Elash wrote for the Globe and Mail on Oct. 22.
Building rural transit in Eastern Ontario
The North Glengarry Prescott-Russell Transport Board (TEO) has distributed information sheets on the results of its survey in its buses. The survey was conducted in the spring of 2011 for bus riders and area residents by the RailFuture Group.
According to Ms Mary McCuaig, Secretary of the Board "The respondents, who were overall rather satisfied with most aspects of TEO services, informed TEO of certain improvements they wanted. The Board decided to distribute feedback on these results on information sheets in all the buses on its network, which is operated under contract by Leduc Bus Line.
TRAQ, Colloque ferroviaire, un trésorier, photos, livres, artéfacts, documents ou autre matériel ferroviaire
Le Colloque ferroviaire annuel du Québec des 28 et 29 mars 2012 aura comme thème principal : « LE RAIL ET LES DÉFIS DE LA NOUVELLE ÉCONOMIE ». La présidence d’honneur sera choisie très bientôt et les présentations qui auront lieues le mercredi après-midi seront centrées sur les défis de…, ceux du jeudi avant-midi le seront sur le plan nord et ceux en après-midi sur le TGV. Vous aimeriez avoir un kiosque lors de l’exposition, communiquez avec nous dorénavant via cette adresse courriel. Il me reste quelques DVD à vendre du colloque 2011. Ils sont à 20$ plus taxes et transport.
Le Groupe TRAQ est à la recherche d’un trésorier et le poste sera disponible en février prochain mais, le trésorier actuel aimerait montrer les rudiments du poste dès que possible au nouvel arrivant.
Ceux qui auraient des photos, livres, artéfacts, documents ou autre matériel ferroviaire qu’ils aimeraient se débarrasser ou en fait don pour le patrimoine; le Groupe TRAQ est preneur et nos bénévoles irons chercher ce matériel s’il nous est possible.
Transport Action reports, VIA Rail Halifax to Montreal
"VIA Rail reservations confirms that HEP equipment (one trainset) will depart Halifax Friday & Monday Nov. 18/11 to Mar 2/12. (from Montreal Sat and Wed evenings) Halifax Montreal fares are $205 upper berth, $227 Roomette (cabin for 1) and Bedroom for 2 $341. It's unfortunate that the service ends in very early March when school breaks are just starting," Transport Action's John Pearce reports.
TRAQ, annual railway Symposium, a Treasurer, pictures, books, artifacts, documents or other railway materials
The March 28th & 29th 2012 annual railway Symposium for the Québec will have has Main theme: The Rail and the Challenge into the New Economy. The Honorific Chairperson will be named soon and the presentation made on Wednesday afternoon will be centered on the New Economy, those on Thursday morning will be on the North Plan and in the afternoon, on the TGV matters. Some of you have you would like to have a booth, communicate with us from now on with this email address. I still have a few 2011 symposium DVD’s for sale. They are at 20$ plus shipping and taxes.
The Groupe TRAQ is now searching for a Treasurer and the job will be open next February 2012 but, the actual Treasurer would like to show the job to our new Treasurer as soon as possible.
Those who have pictures, books, artifacts, documents or other railway materials and who wishes to get rid of or who wishes to do a donation for the patrimonial affairs; the Groupe TRAQ will take them and a benevolent person can go to your place to get the stock if it’s possible.
Peterborough to Toronto, impact of rail service released
"Tony Smith, Shining Waters Railway president, said Monday that an economic impact study estimates the project would create nearly 2,000 jobs and provide $531 million in economic output ($433 million in Ontario) due to
capital investment in upgrading the track, constructing bridges and refurbishing trains," the Peterborough Examiner reported on Oct. 25, 2011.
Aecon and Dufferin Construction chosen to build rail link to Pearson airport
Toronto Star, Oct. 25
Amtrak leases Empire Corridor from CSX
Railway Age, Oct. 18
World-class shortlist for Ottawa’s Light Rail Transit project
City of Ottawa
Michigan Senate nixes DRIC, Governor Snyder to discuss next steps in Ottawa
Dave Battagello, The Windsor Star, October 22, 2011
Southwestern Ontario regional mayors united behind high-speed rail
CBC News, Oct 21, 2011
Transport Action Canada
Hotline 1137, Oct. 28, 2011
(formerly Transport 2000 / anciennement Transport 2000 Canada)
(613) 594-3290
RSS: feed://www.transport-action.ca/rss/tarss.php
Oct. 29, Fredericton, Transport Action Atlantic, Board meeting at the Conservation Council of N.B. at 180 Saint John St.
Nov. 12, Ottawa, Transport Action Canada, Special meeting of members, 10 Years of the O-Train, 2 pm, 211 Bronson Avenue
Nov. 22, Toronto, Transport Futures, Mobility pricing stakeholders forum